
Objectives: 1. Estimating the ratios of clinical and paraclinical signs of post-term newborns hospitalized at Pediatric Department of Hue University Hospital. 2. Identifying the relation between clinical signs and paraclinical signs. Materials and Method: 72 post- term babies < 7 days of life hospitalized at NICU from 2010/5 to 2011/4. Classification of post - term newborn was based on WHO 2003: gestational age ≥ 42 weeks with clinical manifestations: desquamation on press with fingers or natural desquamation, withered or meconial umbilicus, meconial long finger nails (*) or geatational age still < 42 weeks with theses clinical manifestations (*). Data were recorded on a clinical record form. Per-protocol analysis of clinical outcomes was performed by using Medcalc 11.5 and Excell 2007. Analyses used the χ2 test or Fisher's exact test for categorical data; Student's t test was used for continuous data and the Mann-Whitney U test for nonparametric data. Data were presented as means or proportions with 95% CIs. Results: Clinical characteristics: Tachypnea and grasp were main reasons of hospitalisation (48.61%). Poor feeding, vomitting (16.67%). Asphyxia (8.34%). Jawndice (6.94%). Hypothermia < 36.50C (13.89%), fever (13.89%). Tachypnea (59.72%). Bradycardia (1.39%). Poor feeding (11.11%). Hypertonia (9.72%). Paraclinical characteristics: Erythrocytes < 4.5.1012/l (51.39%), Leucocytes 5 – 25.103/mm3 (81.94%), Thrombocytes 100- 400.103/mm3 (94.44%). Hemoglobinemia < 10mg/l (67.61%). Maternal characteristics: Menstrual cycles regular (75%). Primiparity (75%). Amniotic volume average (70.42%), little (29.58%). Aminiotic liquid clair (62.5%), aminiotic liquid yellow (4.17%), aminiotic meconial liquid (33.33%). Maternal manifestation of one of many risk factors consist of genital infection; urinary infection; fever before, during, after 3 days of birth; prolonged delivery; medical diseases influence the foetus (75%). The relation between clinical signs and paraclinical signs: There was significantly statistical difference: between gestationnal age based on obstetrical criteria and amniotic volume on ultrasound (p < 0.05); between birth weight and glucosemia p < 0.02). There was conversional correlation of average level between erythroctes number and respiratory rate (r = - 0.5158; p < 0,0001), concordance correlation of weak level betwwen leucocytes number and respiratory rate r = 0.3045; p = 0.0093). Conclusion: It should made diagnosis of postterm baby based on degree of desquamation. The mother who has menstrual cycles regular is still delivered of a postterm baby. A postterm baby has the individual clinical and paraclinical signs.

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