
HPC has evolved from being a buzzword to becoming one of the most exciting areas in the field of Information Technology & Computer Science. Organizations are increasingly looking to HPC to improve operational efficiency, reduce expenditure over time and improve the computational power. Using Super Computers hosted on a particular location and connected with the Internet can reduce the installation of computational power and making it centralise. However, centralise system has some advantages and disadvantages over the distributed system, but we avoid discussing those issues and focusing more on the HPC systems. HPC can also be used to build web and file server and for applications of cloud computing. Due to cluster type architecture and high processing speed, we have experienced that it works far better and handles the loads in much more efficient manner then series of desktop with normal configuration connected together for application of cloud computing and network applications. In this paper we have discussed on issues re lated to security of data and information on the context of HPC. Data and information are vanurable to security and safety. It is the purpose of this paper to present some practical security issues related to High Performance Computing Environment. Based on our observation on security requirements of HPC we have discuss some existing security technologies used in HPC. When observed to various literatures, we found that the existing techniques are not enough. We have discussed, some of the key issues relating to this context. Lastly, we have made an approach to find an appropriate solution using Blowfish encryption and decryption algorithm. We hope that, with our proposed concepts, HPC applications to perform better and in safer way. At the end, we have proposed a modified blow fish algorithmic technique by attaching random number generator algorithm to make the encryption decryption technique more appropriate for our own HPC environment.

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