
The article is devoted to the problems connected with the physiology of tennis players' movements. The main aim of the article was to determine the key factors which directly influence on movements and actions of tennis players during training process and participation in professional tournaments. Methods of the research: the analysis of scientific and methodical sources and observations. Object of the research: the educational and training process of tennis players aimed at improvement of movements. Results. The human strength is the ability to overcome the external resistance or to resist it due to the power of muscles. Each of the factors studied plays an important role in the training of athletes. The physiology of movement of tennis players consists of many components such as strength, agility, speed, ability to maintain balance, accuracy of movement in space, flexibility and endurance. Each of the mentioned elements plays not a small role and requires a special training. The urgency of the subject of the analysis of physiology of tennis players' movements consists in the increase of popularity of this kind of sport on the territory of Ukraine. As of 2021, more than 50 representatives of the country are included in the WTA and ATP ratings. It directly indicates a high level of preparation of domestic sportsmen. Conclusions. The physiology of a tennis player's movement consists of many factors (strength, agility, speed, ability to keep balance, accuracy of movement in space, flexibility and endurance), each of which plays an important role to reach the goals. Most of them are related to each other and create certain combinations. However, having one property does not guarantee the other, creates obstacles. However, they can be solved through constant training. Studying in detail the physiology of an athlete's movement is necessary in order to understand what characteristics may arise. More detailed researches, connected with physiology of movements, will help to correct correctly the preparatory process in future not only for the future professionals, but also for the present representatives of the Ukrainian national tennis team.


  • Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблем, що пов'язані з фізіологією рухів тенісистів

  • The article is devoted to the problems connected with the physiology of tennis players' movements

  • The main aim of the article was to determine the key factors which directly influence on movements and actions of tennis players during training process and participation in professional tournaments

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Що пов'язані з фізіологією рухів тенісистів. Головною метою статті було визначення ключових факторів, що безпосередньо впливають на рухи та дії тенісистів протягом тренувального процесу, та участі в професійних турнірах. Об’єкт дослідження: навчально-тренувальний процес тенісистів, спрямований на покращення рухів. Фізіологія руху тенісистів складається із багатьох компонентів, таких, як сила, спритність, швидкість, здатність зберігати рівновагу, точність рухів у просторі, гнучкість та витривалість.

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