
The study is devoted to the study of the biological characteristics of introduced citrus taxa. The study of the biological characteristics of plants in various soil-climatic zones is of great scientific and practical importance, and is an essential element in preserving and increasing biodiversity by new introduced plant species. As a result of the research, the forms C. maxima ‘Sambokan’, C. × meyeri, C. × limetta ‘Chontipico’ and C. × limonelloides were isolated, which can be recommended for creating plantings in open ground and cultivation structures with uncontrolled conditions in the humid subtropics of Russia. Taxa C. aurantifolia, C. aurantifolia ‘Foro’, C. × limonelloides, C. × meyeri, C. × myrtifolia, C. × latifolia, C. × bergamia, C. × limetta ‘Chontipico’, C. limon ‘Del Brasil’, C. × meyeri, C. medica var. sacrodactylus, distinguished by its decorative qualities, can be recommended as an extension crop in demonstration areas, as well as for the design of winter gardens, terraces and interiors in various rooms.

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