
Aim. To assess the ability to form biofilms by clinical strains of the yeast Candida albicans isolated from patients with atopic dermatitis in exacerbation and remission stages under the effect of Fusarium solani micromycete and its absence.
 Methods. The study included 70 strains of C. albicans and one strain of F. solani. Fungal biofilms formed according to the method of Ramage. The optical density of the biofilms measured using a micro plate reader at 620 nm. The effect of associated fungi on the biofilm-forming properties of C. albicans strains was studied by an extract from opportunistic F. solani fungi.
 Results. The greatest biofilm formation was observed in strains isolated at the remission stage. The strains isolated in the acute period were inferior to them in the ability to form biofilms (average values of film formation were 0.143 and 0.087, respectively). Co-cultivation of C. albicans strains with F. solani fungus extract stimulated biofilm formation of C. albicans strains at a concentration of 1:10.
 Conclusion. This study showed a possible synergism between C. albicans and F. solani in polymicrobial skin infections, because the products of the fungus F. solani increase one of the virulence factors of the fungus C. albicans; the possibility to assess of a stimulating effect of associated fungi on the virulence one of an agent of infectious disease process will allow predicting the disease severity.

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