
Internal gravity wave (IGW) data obtained during the passage of atmospheric fronts over the Moscow region in June–July 2015 is analyzed. IGWs were recorded using a group of four microbarographs (developed at the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences) located at distances of 7 to 54 km between them. Regularities of variations in IGW parameters (spatial coherence, characteristic scales, propagation direction, horizontal propagation velocity, and amplitudes) before, during, and after the passage of an atmospheric front over the observation network, when the observation network finds itself inside the cyclone and outside the front, are studied. The results may be useful in studying the relationships between IGW effects in different physical fields at different atmospheric heights. It is shown that, within periods exceeding 30 min, IGWs are coherent between observation points horizontally spaced at distances of about 60 km (coherence coefficient is 0.6–0.9). It is also shown that there is coherence between wave fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and fluctuations in horizontal wind velocity within the height range 60–200 m. A joint analysis of both atmospheric pressure and horizontal wind fluctuations has revealed the presence of characteristic dominant periods, within which cross coherences between fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and wind velocity have local maxima. These periods are within approximate ranges of 20–29, 37–47, 62–72, and 100–110 min. The corresponding (to these dominant periods) phase propagation velocities of IGWs lie within an interval of 15–25 m/s, and the horizontal wavelengths vary from 52 to 99 km within periods of 35 to 110 min, respectively.

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