
Training-anomaly-based, machine-learning-based, intrusion detection systems (AMiDS) for use in critical Internet of Things (CioT) systems and military Internet of Things (MioT) environments may involve synthetic data or publicly simulated data due to data restrictions, data scarcity, or both. However, synthetic data can be unrealistic and potentially biased, and simulated data are invariably static, unrealistic, and prone to obsolescence. Building an AMiDS logical model to predict the deviation from normal behavior in MioT and CioT devices operating at the sensing or perception layer due to adversarial attacks often requires the model to be trained using current and realistic data. Unfortunately, while real-time data are realistic and relevant, they are largely imbalanced. Imbalanced data have a skewed class distribution and low-similarity index, thus hindering the model’s ability to recognize important features in the dataset and make accurate predictions. Data-driven learning using data sampling, resampling, and generative methods can lessen the adverse impact of a data imbalance on the AMiDS model’s performance and prediction accuracy. Generative methods enable passive adversarial learning. This paper investigates several data sampling, resampling, and generative methods. It examines their impacts on the performance and prediction accuracy of AMiDS models trained using imbalanced data drawn from the UNSW_2018_IoT_Botnet dataset, a publicly available IoT dataset from the IEEEDataPort. Furthermore, it evaluates the performance and predictability of these models when trained using data transformation methods, such as normalization and one-hot encoding, to cover a skewed distribution, data sampling and resampling methods to address data imbalances, and generative methods to train the models to increase the model’s robustness to recognize new but similar attacks. In this initial study, we focus on CioT systems and train PCA-based and oSVM-based AMiDS models constructed using low-complexity PCA and one-class SVM (oSVM) ML algorithms to fit an imbalanced ground truth IoT dataset. Overall, we consider the rare event prediction case where the minority class distribution is disproportionately low compared to the majority class distribution. We plan to use transfer learning in future studies to generalize our initial findings to the MioT environment. We focus on CioT systems and MioT environments instead of traditional or non-critical IoT environments due to the stringent low energy, the minimal response time constraints, and the variety of low-power, situational-aware (or both) things operating at the sensing or perception layer in a highly complex and open environment.

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