
The mining and geological characteristics of the Zhairem deposit that consists of the Zapadny and Dalnezapadny pits, are considered. The hydrogeological surveys carried out at the site are described. The site for hydrogeological testing includes the area around the Zapadny and Dalnezapadny pits, as well as test pumping and testing with the use of a downhole flowmeter. In the course of studies, theoretical and empirical methods were used; there were studied and applied archival historical data. Conducting geotechnical surveys made it possible to compose a conceptual characterization of the hydrogeological system around the mine and to obtain high-quality initial data for predicting the flow of groundwater. The final stage was the development of recommendations in order to prepare for the pumping of water from the Dalnezapadny 1-2 pit and future expected inflows, in order to carry out high-quality drainage of the Dalnezapadny 1-2 site walls

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