
The study was conducted in the city of Kirkuk in July 2020 and included 100 people who visited hospitalsand health sectors in the city of Kirkuk, which is located in northern Iraq. As the study included ages thatranged between 12 and 72 years and from both sexes, the study also included 100 people who did not sufferfrom any symptoms or signs related to the Covid-19 virus. As the people who were included in the studyare from the people who reviewed, like what we said in hospitals and sectors, and they were suffering fromhigh temperatures, cough or both, fatigue and fatigue, and those who had direct contact with infected peoplewere taken from them and from a group of nasopharyngeal swabs for detection of Covid-19 virus by PCR.The PCR tests were done by the PCR in the Public Health Laboratory and the Kirkuk General Hospital,and special thanks to the staff. These checks were made for patients by protocols by the Iraqi Ministryof Health and the World Health Organization to investigate the RNA of the virus. The study showed theprevalence of Covid-19 was 66% in suspected patients and 10% in healthy persons. The study demonstratedthat, majority of patients with novel corona virus infection were from urban area. The study showed that,majority of patients were aged from 22 to 41 years of old (P. value <0.001). The study showed that 63.64%of COVID-19 patients were males compared with 36.36% females (P<0.05). The study showed that 51.52%of COVID-19 patients were smokers (P>0.05). The study demonstrated that, 45.45% of COVID-19positive patients were with mild infection, 18.18% were with asymptomatic features, 16.67%were with moderate infection and 4.55% were with severe infection while 80% of healthy personwho was +ve to Covid-19 were with asymptomatic infection

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