
This study was conducted in the veterinary medicine college in basrah university animal house and aimed to investigate the effect of finasteride (prostacare) on malesome parameters reproductive system in albino male rats (Rattua-Rattus). Thirty six mature male rats with body weight 200-210 g and age 8 weeks were randomly divided into three groups (12 animal each group). The first group was considered as control group and treated orally normal salin (0.9%N.S)during the experimental 30 days , the second group was treated finasteride(0.016mg/kg of body weigt oraiiy during the experimental(30)days.and the third group was administrated finasteride(0.032mglkg of body weigt orally during the experimental 30 days. The results showed a significant decrease in the sperm count ,sperm motility ,live sperm and increase in dead sperm percentage as well as a significant decrease in the level of reproductive hormones (testosterone, LH and FSH) in treated group with finasteride compared with control group , from this study it was concluded that the finasteride has undesired physiological effects on fertility in albino male rats (Rattus-Rattus).


  • Finasteride is a white crystalline powder insoluble in water and freely soluble in chloroform and alcohol solvents

  • Treatment of adult male rats by usage Finasteride might cause a defective of spermatogenesis [6]

  • The study aimed to investigate the effects of a different doses of finasteride on reproductive efficiency through studies the physiological parameters in albino male rats

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Finasteride is a white crystalline powder insoluble in water and freely soluble in chloroform and alcohol solvents. ‫دراسة فسيولوجيه حول تاثير الفيناسترايد (بروستاكاير) على بعض المعايير التناسلية لذكور الجرذان البيض‬ ‫في نسب النطف الحية وارتفاعا معنويا في النسب المئوية للنطف الميتة في المجموعتين المعاملتين مقارنتا بمجموعة السيطرة كما اظهرت‬ )‫نتائج الدراسة انخفاظا معنويا في مستوى الهرمونات التناسلية( هرمون التيستيستيرون والهرمون المحفز لنمو الجريبات والهرمون اللوتيني‬ ‫نستنتج من الدراسة الحالية ان لعقار فيناستيرايد تاثير سلبي شديد على مستويات‬. Is sexual side effects in spite of the discontinuation of the medication, including male infertility, poor seminal quality, erectile dysfunction, libido and ejaculation disorders [3].(4) Molecular study revealed that finasteride cause damage to sperm and DNA [5].

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