
The experiment were carried out under field conditions during two consecutive crop season Kharif, 2018-19 and 2019-20 at Student’s Instructional Farm at Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Narendra Nagar (Kumarganj), Ayodhya (U.P.). During the course of investigation “Study the natural enemies associated with pigeonpea pod fly” The extents of larval and pupal parasitism 100 pods were started to collect randomly from first fortnight of January 2019 to first fortnight of April and bought to the laboratory of entomology department. The Torymoides spp. and Ormyrus orientalis spp. was recovered for the first time from the pods collected on second fortnight of February from cultivar Narendra Arhar 1 and the level of parasitization was 14.28 per cent, respectively. The parasitization in pod fly ranged between 14.28 to 25.71 per cent. The parasitization increased on first fortnight of March and reached to its maximum level 25.71 per cent, respectively. The parasitization was constant in first fortnight of April during Kharif, 2018-19. During Kharif, 2019-20 parasitization 18.18 per cent was recorded first fortnight of February in the cultivar Narendra Arhar 1, respectively. The parasitization increased on first fortnight of March and reached to its maximum level 25.00 per cent, respectively. The parasitization decreased gradually and reached to 12.50 per cent in first fortnight of March. The parasitization in pod fly ranged between 12.50 to 25.00 per cent.

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