
We have used the IGS (International Geodesic Survey) dual frequency GPS data of the Indian IGS Station IISC, Bangalore to investigate the Total Electron Content (TEC). We used the TEC to study the geomagnetic storms variation of the ionosphere at IISC, Bangalore ((13.02°N, 77.57°E)), a low latitude region in the India. We used four years of data (2014-2017) to study the magnetic quiet and storm time variation. The diurnal variation of TEC is maximum for 2014 and then decreased (2015-2017) to a minimum. The diurnal TEC attains a maximum value at the afternoon (13:00-17:00 IST) for 2014-2017, that is not symmetrical about the noon. We also see that for seasonal variation of for value TEC is maximum for March equinox. During storm time, TEC has increased in comparison with quiet day TEC. Both negative and positive stroms are observed during this period. During the negative storm there is sharp decrement in TEC on the next day of the geomagnetic storm. The change in TEC on storm day is between 19-44%.

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