
Background: Judicious application of inorganic fertilizers is very essential to obtain high yields of improved crop varieties. But the liberal and continuous application of inorganic fertilizers under intensive crop production systems resulted in multiple nutrient deficiency in the soil besides causing imbalance in soil physico-chemical properties. Further the increased use of inorganic fertilizers resulted in diminishing soil fertility and unsustainable crop yields, besides creating additional problems in soil such as soil acidity, alkalinity, soil and ground water pollution. Organic agriculture is environment friendly, ecological production system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. Organic materials such as compost, vermicompost, poultry manure, oilcakes, green manures and crop residues can substitute inorganic fertilizers to maintain productivity and environmental quality. The quality of agricultural produce, particularly horticultural produce viz., vegetables, flowers and fruits get improves when the nutrients are supplied through organic manures than in the form of fertilizers. Methods: Keeping all above information in view, a present experiment was carried out to study the effect of application of different ratio of vermicompost amended with soil on the growth, yield and quality of tomato crop (Lycopersican esculentum). A pot culture experiment was conducted to study the efficiency of vermicompost on plant growth and yield. Result: From the study, application of organic manures viz vermicompost resulted better crop growth and quality parameters in tomato crop and remarkably improvement in soil fertility was also observed. Application of vermicompost at 25 per cent and 50 per cent treatments not showed significant difference in growth and quality parameters of tomato crop. Regarding the quantity of vermicompost application, the cost of cultivation was reduced in 25 per cent vermicompost applied treatment than 50 per cent vermicompost applied treatment. Therefore, application of 25 per cent vermicompost treatment was found to be the best suited practice for tomato crop cultivation and also increased a net return, improved quality products and sustaining the soil health. Application of organic manure is one of the viable approaches for eco-friendly crop production.

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