
This cross-sectional study was carried in Baghdad city form the period of March to December 2018.Newly diagnosed children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), admitted to the Oncology center forchemotherapy were included in the study. Their ages range from 15 months to 12 years. Patients withhemoglobinopathies (sickle cell disease and thalassemia) hemophilia and liver diseases were excluded fromthe study. Healthy children included as a control group aged between 16 months to 13 years. Blood sampleswere collected from 25 patients diagnosed from Iraqi child with (ALL). The diagnosis for ALL based onthe following findings: age, leukocyte count, involvement of tissues other than bone marrow. Age andsex matched 25 healthy persons who are devoid of conditions like diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, psychiatricdisorders or history of any drug intake are selected as control. Five ml of venous blood was drawn from (50)patients of ALL ranging between (1-15) years old, after 30 days induction therapy treatment and (30) normalcontrol. The study demonstrated that Serum Fetuin A mean was significantly elevated in children with acutelymphoblastic leukemia as compared with the control group (20.11±4.1 and 9.22± 2.83 pg/ml) respectively(P. value <0.001). The study showed that, hemoglobin level was reduced significantly (P<0.001) in ALLchildren (8.73 g/dl) as compared with healthy children (12.32 g/dl). The study showed that, WBCs level waselevated significantly (P<0.001) in ALL children (8.83 cell/cmm) as compared with healthy children (5.65cell/cmm), Lymphocyte also elevated in in ALL children (5.85 cell/cmm) as compared with healthy children(3.21 cell/cmm). The study showed a significant negative correlation of serum fetuin A with hemoglobin inchildren with ALL, (r: -0.72). The also study showed a significant positive correlation of serum fetuin A withWBCs and lymphocytes levels in children with ALL

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