
The present study entitled, to study the effect of seed inoculation of Zinc solubilizing bacteria and zinc fertilization on total uptake of N, P, K and Micronutrients by soybean and nutrient use efficiency. was carried out during the year 2016-17 at the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Post Graduate Institute, M.P.K.V. Rahuri. The experiment was contained 11 treatments with 3 replications with randomized block design (RBD). Different sources of zinc, ZnSO4 and ZnO were applied along with recommended dose of fertilizer and ZnSB (Zinc solubilizing bacteria, The ZnSO4 and ZnO are applied at different levels 100 percent, 75 percent, 50 percent, and 25 percent. The total uptake of nitrogen was found significantly highest (174.39 kgha-1) in treatment of T4 (100% RDF + 100%RD of Zn through ZnSO4+ ZnSB). The total uptake of phosphorus was found significantly highest (16.81 kgha-1) in treatment of T4 (100% RDF + 100%RD of Zn through ZnSO4+ ZnSB). The total uptake of potassium was found significantly highest (110.30 kgha-1) in treatment of T4 (100% RDF + 100%RD of Zn through ZnSO4+ ZnSB). The results showed non-significant difference in total uptake of micronutrients.

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