
In this research, a scientific study has been proceeded to illustrate the impact of adding methanol – alcohol of 10% and 20% by volume of gasoline without lead with (81) octane number on performance and noise emitted from single cylinder - internal combustion engine work by ignition with compression ratio of (9.5:1), where the previous studies that have been proceeded were on compression ratio ranged about (5:1 – 8:1). Consequences showed that; the addition of 10% methanol can increase the break power about (22%) while the addition of 20% methanol reduces the break power about (8%) after a comparison with the performance of engine without addition. For the fuel consumption, the study showed that the rate of consumption increases (1.8%), (30%) with addition of 10% and 20% methanol consecutively after a comparison with the performance of engine without addition. Also, the consequences showed that reduing of the OASPL about (3.3%) with use the addition of 10% methanol while addition of 20% methanol causes increasing in OASPL about (1.2%) after a comparison with the performance of engine without addition. Also the experiments have been preceded with three stages to illustrate the impact of the sonic isolator (crok isolator 2.5cm thickness, and glass isolator 4mm thickness) a space of air 2.5 cm thickness separat between them. The first stage included proceede the experimente without isolator, second stage by using crok isolator and the third by using two isolators (crok &glass), the consequences was showed reducing of OASPL about 5dB with crok iso. and 8 dB with using two isolators .

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