
As we know today English has become the universal language. It is spoken all over the world. So it has several national varieties. In fact, we have varieties of English and nonnative varie ties of English which are called nonnative English. Americ an English is one of a few native varieties of English the others being Canadian English, New Zealand English, South African English and Australian English. In these countries, English has become the native language of people, though each of them has its own characteristics, which differentiate them from British English. Among all these varieties, the place of American English is quite unique. The world English speakers tend to have as a model one of the native varieties of English. American English is becoming today's world language. Its impact is allpervasive on the Englishspeaking world. Some significant information about the differences between American and British English were given in this article. Keywords: American English, British English, English language, pronunciation, varieties of English. The reasons for the change in the position of American English are essentially nonlinguistic. In fact , language and power go together, American English is accepted for the power and superiority, which USA has acquired in the areas of science, technology, commerce, military affairs and politics. It has now become the centre of Western political, economic and technological innovations and activities. The speakers of European countries have become tolerant of the encroachment of American English into their English. Even it is notable in the Great Britain that the British Press is opening up to American innova� tions. The style of American news magazines like Time and Newsweek shows up in British newspapers. The same tendency is seen in the use of the verbs of American English such as ban (prohibit), crash (collide), cut (reduce) and probe (investigate) in the press, at social gatherings, and on the radio and also television. In the same way, in a number of countries in Southwest Asia and India, the Americanization of the native languages has become a symbol of Westernization. For the new generation, Westernization means modernization. Recently, the United States of America has become a phenomenon of envy and emulation for the new and emerging nations. This is because it combines technology, scientific progress and, above all, power. Hollywood movies, students, faculty, scholars and researchers training programs have also spread American English in the world. This can be noticed in the newspapers published from New Delhi, Singapore or Jakarta. American English has its own peculiarities with regard to lexical items word formation and grammar. It has developed new elements in vocabulary, phrasing, syntax and pronunciation. The difference between AE and BE in the field of spellings is notable. The famous American linguist Noah Webster worked on these differences. He wrote the spellings favour, nabor, hed, giv, ruf instead of favour, neighbour, head, give, rough, respectively. A number of words in British English are spelled differently in American English. The American on going to England or the British traveler on arriving in America is likely to be impressed by them, because each finds the other's expressions amusing when they do not actually cause puzzlement. As examples of such differences the words connected with the railroad and the automobile are often cited. The British word for railroad is railway , the engineer is a driver , the conductor a guard . The baggage car is a van , and the baggage carried is always luggage . American freight train , freight yard become in Britain goods train and goods yard . Some of the more technical terms are likewise different. A sleeper in the United States is a sleeping car; in Britain it is what Americans call a tie . American switch is a point , a grade crossing a level crossing , and so on. In connection with the automobile, the British speak of a lorry (truck), windscreen (windshield), bonnet (hood), sparking plugs , gear lever (gearshift), gearbox (transmission), silencer (muffler), boot (trunk), petrol (gasoline or gas). British motorway is American

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