
The study dealt with anatomical characters of 11 plant species that belong two genera Bellevalia Layper and Ornithogalum L. from Asparagaceae family growing in middle and north of Iraq B.kurdistanica, B.longipes, B.macrobotrys, B.parva, B.pycnantha, B.saviczii, O.brachystachys, O.neurostegium, O.pyrenaicum. The prevalence of Aleuron grains and Starch grains in addition to studying the aerial stem epidermal cells or the Scapeous and the leaves. When the cross section was made to the aerial stem, it was clear that all of them were circular except B.chrisii it was ovate for the aerial stem. It was noticed also that there are crystals within the cross section of the aerial stem of these species, but the species B.saviczii had different type of crystals which are Druses crystals at the epidermis layer of the aerial stem section. Also, there was a difference in the vascular bands spread, which were in the shape of two rows arranged similar to the arrangement of the vascular bands in Dicotyledons. Anatomy results of the leaves cross-section showed that they consist of simple epidermis with one row of Uniseriate cells, consisting of upper, lower epidermis and Mesophylla as well as the spread vascular bands.

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