
This research aims to identify the effectiveness of study and learning skill training to increase student comprehension, as interventions for underachievement. The study was conducted at Imam Nawawi Elementary School, in Maros, Indonesia, on 24 May - 24 July 2023, using a before-after experimental study design with additional qualitative information analysis. Five fourth-grade students identified as underachievers from a series of assessments were given intervention in the form of reading, listening and note-taking skills training, with the assumption that if students' ability to grasp lesson material increases with the intervention, it will consequently increase achievement. The intervention was carried out in thirteen group sessions. Intervention effectiveness was evaluated using quantitative data from the pre-test and post-test scores as well as qualitative data from interviews with each participant. The results indicate that this intervention has not been completely effective in improving student comprehension, which was assumed to be the stepping stone toward increasing achievement. The gap between students' understanding of the content and several aspects of the delivery of the material is assumed to be the main obstacles to effective intervention. Further elaborations are discussed.

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