
In modern world, people have more options for entertainment sources. In olden days, people used to watch Doordarshan and would rely on radio for major new broadcasting. Slowly it transforms to the availability of cable connection and movie theatres. People started watching TV series on TV and movies in theatres. Then the technology brought the concept of the YouTube which grow as major channel for youth viewers. TV, itself brought major evolution as LED, touch screen, inbuilt internet availability etc. With these variations the recent trends in market is OTT (Over the Top) video streaming. The availability of content, easy access to variety of shows, user friendly nature and continuity in shows compels the users to subscription of OTT video streaming. Video streaming becomes easily accessible via laptop and smartphones. India have experienced large OTT subscription especially during COVID 19 pandemic. This growth in OTT subscription is being driven primarily by consumer's ever-increasing hunger for streaming video over the internet, now amplified by the migration of more broadcast and cable TV onto direct-to consumer over-the-top (OTT) internet delivery networks. This study aims to pinpoint use of OTT platforms among youth. The study is confined to Mumbai and MMR region.

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