
Water Quality Index (WQI) is a number without unit to show quality of water body based on the value of several weighted monitoring parameters. Several methods have been developed to calculate the value of Water Quality Index, which are Pollution Index (PI), STORET, Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment Water Quality Index (CCME-WQI) and National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI). In Indonesia, the method commonly used to determine WQI is pollution index (PI) and STORET. The Indonesian Water Quality Index (WQI-INA) is the latest WQI calculation method developed from NSF-WQI method in 2017 thus providing a weighting value that approaches river conditions in tropical countries. The purpose of this study is to compare WQI values calculated based on WQI-INA method with WQI values that calculate based on Pollution Index, STORET and CCME methods using Cirarab River monitoring data (2015-2018).The Study result indicates that using WQI-INA method gives consistent results in each monitoring location while STORET method gives the same value results even though the monitoring results data is very different. PI method also gives quite different result to WQI-INA value because of range of the PI values is too narrow, so it does not reflect the actual river condition. The CCME WQI method results are the closest to WQI-INA value but require more parameter input rather than WQI–INA. Based on this study, the WQI-INA method is very good to be developed further because it is easy to use and simple but gives good results for WQI assessment.

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