
Because Tibet's unique geographic location creates different modes of tourist transportation, this paper aims to study its tourist travel modes as well as transportation accessibility to tourist attractions. It has two parts: in-region and out-of-region.(This article "in-region" refers to in Tibet and "out-of-region" refers to out of Tibet.)Research on the transportation mode of people entering Tibet from outside the region: calculate the utility value of different travel transportation modes, establish a sharing rate model to get the respective rate of transportation modes entering Tibet, and get the characteristics of travel transportation outside the region based on the above research. Research on travel traffic network of people in the region: observe the spatial distribution of tourist attractions in each area of Tibet based on the differentiation of Tibet's administrative regions, establish a spatial distribution model of attractions, and further study the traffic network characteristics of tourist attractions in the region with the distribution of attractions; analyze the accessibility and reachability of tourist attractions in each urban area of Tibet to study the characteristics of the travel traffic network in the region. In this paper, it is found that travelers going to Tibet mainly rely on the railroad to enter Tibet, and the attractions in the area are gathered and the tourist traffic is mainly centered in Lhasa, forming a tourist traffic network throughout the whole Tibet area. The study of Tibet's tourism traffic characteristics is of great significance to the layout of tourism traffic modes outside the region and the optimization of tourism traffic network in the region.

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