
The directional logging-while-drilling measurements enable to monitor the distance to formation boundaries and their orientation and facilitate proactive well placement, and thus can provide directionality information useful in detecting physical parameters such as bed boundaries, formation dip and formation azimuth, so the oil and gas recovery can be greatly improved. The characteristics of a kind of electromagnetic wave resistivity logging while drilling (LWD) tool with tilted antennas are computed via the magnetic-current-source dyadic Green’s function for horizontally stratified anisotropic media. The current characteristic at the formation interface of the tilted antennas is compared with that of the axial antenna, and how the LWD tool with tilted antennas to detect the formation interface position and orientation is revealed. The amplitude-attenuation and phase-shift characteristics of LWD tool with tilted antennas are analyzed, and how to design the angle of tilted antenna is presented. The relationship between the emitting frequency and emitting-receiving antenna space parameters is expounded, and the emitting-receiving antenna space parameter suitable for different frequencies is presented. The detection characteristic of the electromagnetic wave measuring instrument is studied. For the highly deviated well formation model, the directional response characteristics of the different relative dip angle isotropic and anisotropic formation are numerically simulated and analyzed. The directional response characteristics of the two kinds of coil arrangement (unilateral arrangement and symmetrical arrangement) are analyzed by numerical simulation, and the solution to reduce or eliminate the influence of the directional response of the isotropy on the directional response is obtained. The conclusions obtained by theoretical analysis and numerical simulation provide a guide for the instrument principle research and application.

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