
Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, many countries have made the obligation to wear masks normal. Wearing masks in public places has become a must. At present, wearing a mask to participate in sports makes it very common. People seek to gain health through exercise but ignore the potential respirato-ry health threat. That is, wearing a mask will cause a decrease in oxygen content in the body. This neg-ative impact becomes more prominent as the wear-ing time and oxygen consumption increase. To pro-tect people from viruses and enjoy a healthy life. This paper proposes a breathing pattern that im-proves blood oxygen saturation while wearing a jogging mask and walking. Namely, shouting breathing pattern. Use a pulse oximeter to measure the blood oxygen saturation of running at different speeds and compare the normal breathing pattern and the shouting breathing pattern. The results show that the shouting breathing pattern has a sig-nificant improvement in the blood oxygen satura-tion of low-speed walking and medium-speed jog-ging.

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