
Recently, the polylactic acid /chitosan composite has been used as a drug carrier to regulate the drug release aim to increase effective and decrease drug dosage. Polylactic acid/chitosan composite materials carry 10-50% quinine sulfate was prepared by the water/oil water method to study the release of quinine sulfate. Effects of quinine sulfate content, pH and kinetics of quinine sulphate release were investigated. The results showed that polyacid/chitosan composite materials with high quinine sulfate content for slow speed of release quinine sulfate. The polylactic acid/chitosan composite materials carry 50% quinine sulfate is smallest speed of release quinine sulfate. In pH = 7.4 the release rate of quinine sulfate is greater than the pH = 2.0. The process of releasing quinine sulfate from polylactic acid/chitosan/quinine sulfate composites materials follows the Korsmeyer-Peppas kinetics model and diffuses following the Fick law.
 Release, composite materials, polyaxit lactic, chitosan, quinin sulfat
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