
A vacuum arc discharge with a metal-deuteride cathode can generate a supersonic deuterium ion jet, which finds important applications in vacuum arc ion sources. In this study, a 1D3V spherical particle-in-cell direct simulation Monte Carlo cathode spot model with a titanium-deuteride cathode is developed to investigate the ionization and acceleration of deuterium ions from vacuum breakdown to the steady-arc stage. The effects of cathode deuteration concentration on the deuterium ion fraction and kinetic energy are also analyzed. The results show that the released deuterium atoms start to be ionized at around tens of nanometers from the cathode and then become fully ionized at about 0.4μm as the cathode potential drop gradually builds up. The proportion of deuterium ions in the plasma is slightly higher than the proportion of deuterium atoms in the cathode material. Velocity separation of deuterium and titanium ions occurs due to the acceleration of the electric field during the vacuum breakdown stage; however, the predominant ion–ion Coulomb collisions wipe out this separation in the steady-arc stage. Shifting the deuterium atom concentration in the cathode under a constant arc burning voltage produces an approximately equal current density, and increases the velocities of all ion species. A higher ion kinetic energy is gained by reducing the ohmic heating dissipation, facilitated by the lower plasma resistivity under the increased deuterium ion density.

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