
At one time the Blessed One was living among the Kurus, at Kammasādhamma, a market town of the Kuru people, a location corresponding to the area of New Delhi. There the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhu thus: "Monks," and they replied to him, "Venerable Sir." The Blessed One spoke as follows: “There is, monks, this one way to the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and distress, for the disappearance of pain and sadness, for the gaining of the right path, for the realization of Nibbāna: - that is to say the four foundations of mindfulness.” In this Sutta, Buddha presented a practical method for developing self-knowledge by means of kāyānupassanā (observation of the body), vedanānupassanā (observation of sensations), cittānupassanā (observation of the mind) and dhammānupassanā (observation of the contents of the mind). The meditation practice of Mahāsi Sayārdaw was also explained, discussed and reviewed.

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