
ABSTRACT NGC 300 ULX1 is a pulsating ultraluminous X-ray source (PULX) with the longest spin period of $P\simeq 31.6\, \rm s$ and a high spin-up rate of $\dot{P}\simeq -5.56\times 10^{-7}\, \rm s\, s^{-1}$ that is ever seen in the confirmed PULXs. In this paper, the inferred magnetic field of NGC 300 ULX1 is $\sim 3.0\times 10^{14}\, \rm G$ using the recent observed parameters after its first detection of pulsations. According to the evolved simulation of the magnetic field and the spin period, it will become a recycled pulsar or a millisecond pulsar under the conditions of the companion mass and the accretion rate limitation. We suggest that NGC 300 ULX1 is an accreting magnetar accounting for its super Eddington luminosity. We also propose that there might be other accreting magnetars in the confirmed PULXs. Such PULXs will be helpful for understanding the magnetar evolution and the millisecond pulsar formation whose magnetic field is stronger than $\sim 10^{9}\, \rm G$.

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