
In the modern conditions of globalization and economic development, the management of investments in agricultural production has become an important issue in the development of China's national economy. Understanding the relevant concepts of agricultural investment, analyzing its environment, building a scientific and sound structure, determining the proper scale and implementing an effective agrarian economic investment strategy scheme are very important to promote the modernization of agricultural production processes, increase the productivity of agriculture as a sector of social production in which people use the natural conditions of the environment, rely on the physiological functions of animals, plants and microorganisms, and strengthen and control the life of organisms through labor to obtain the material products needed society and farmers' incomes. Research and improvement of the theory of management of agricultural investments can help in making management decisions, increase the efficiency of commodity producers and strengthen the stability of rural areas. This article examines in detail the theoretical foundations and practical application of agricultural investment management, with the aim of providing useful recommendations and reference materials for decision-makers in the agricultural sector by defining basic concepts, analyzing the foundations of theory and research methods. Thus, relevant concepts and main problems of agricultural investment management and theories of economic growth of rural areas by investing in the agricultural sphere were presented. Various views of the classical theory of economic growth and development of rural areas were collected; the main obstacles to the development of agricultural investment are identified, including state macro-control at various stages of regional development.

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