
Chinese Abstract: 摘要:中国传说仓颉造字,依类象形为“文”,其后形声相益为“字”。经分析,加德纳古埃及象形符号集即为仓颉所作之文,表音和表意多符号固定组合即为形声结合的“字”。在5000多年历史发展过程中,从古埃及象形原型到现代汉字,一些文字经历了许多流变。 English Abstract: Chinese recorded Cang Jing intented Chinese characters. There are two types of characters. The first is called the Wen(文) that are just pictographic characters of pictographs. The other is called the Zi(字),a pictographic element and a phonetic element combine to form a pictophonetic character. After investigation, the fact was found that the Gardiner's Sign List (a list of common Egyptian hieroglyphs) is just the Wen group that was invented by Cang Jie. A fixed combination of several phonetic and ideographic Gardiner’s Signs is just the prototype of a Zi. In the development of more than 5,000 years of history, from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs to modern Chinese characters, some of characters has undergone many changes.

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