
In this study, the effect of magnetron target on different plasma parameters of Argon/Hydrogen (Ar - H2) direct current (DC) magnetron discharge is examined. Here, Copper (Cu) and Chromium (Cr) are used as magnetron targets. The value of plasma parameters such as electron temperature (kTe), electron density (Ne), ion density (Ni), degree of ionization of Ar, and degree of dissociation of H2 for both the target are studied as a function of input power and hydrogen content in the discharge. The plasma parameters are determined by using Langmuir probe and Optical emission spectroscopy. On the basis of the different reactions in the gas phase, the variation of plasma parameters and sputtering rate are explained. The obtained results show that electron and ion density decline with gradual addition of Hydrogen in the discharge and increase with rising input power. It brings significant changes on the degree of ionization of Ar and dissociation of H2. The enhanced value of electron density (Ne), ion density (Ni), degree of Ionization of Ar, and degree of dissociation of H2 for Cr compared to Cu target is explained on the basis of it's higher Ion Induced Secondary Electron Emission Coefficient (ISEE) value.

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