
The study of syllable duration is the basis of prosodic models and speech synthesis systems. This article does the statistical analysis on the syllable duration of Lhasa dialect from three levels: the vocabulary, rhyme style, discourses of news. The results show that: the distribution of vocabulary duration in male and female voices is concentrated; as the vocabulary duration increases, the average duration of syllable gradually becomes smaller, the rate of decline reduces; the form of love songs, verse with motto category is fixed and they have more obvious rhythm, and the difference between the average duration of syllable in different sentences is significant; the average duration of syllable in News Corpus is smallest, followed by verses, the vocabulary duration is largest; in the three levels, the average duration of syllable in female voices is larger than the average male duration. The statistical analysis on syllable duration laid a good foundation for the Tibetan language model and prosodic model.

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