
Based on the field investigation and sampling, seven dominant wild plants and relative soil samples in Hainan Shilu iron mines area were collected. To analyze and study the contents of heavy metals Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in these samples and the characteristics of enriching heavy metals of these dominant plants. Results of this study showed that the contents of the same heavy metal in the soils around roots system of seven dominant plants had a large range of variation, to a certain extent, it reflected the difference of the enriched characteristics of different plants to the same heavy metal. All seven dominant plants had endurance and enriched characteristics to Fe. Bothriochloa root hoarded up abundant Fe, Cu, Zn and its stored characteristics to Mn, Pb, Cd also stood out from the seven dominant plants, so it could be used as good plant which absorbed a large amount of heavy metals but mainly held in the roots, this result had a good consistance with the finding that the enriched and transferred characteristics of Bothriochloa to heavy metals in soil. In the soil of low cadmium pollution, Calopo and Bothriochloa had higher concentration factors of cadmium, this indicated they had a good potential in high cadmium pollution soil. White tephrosia and Cyperus alternifolius had the higher metastasis ability to Mn, Zn, Cd, which had the potential of phytoremediation.

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