
Due to the planned growth of transport construction in the North of Russia and the Arctic territories, the issues of ensuring machinery operation during such construction, including the organization of its maintenance and repair, become quite urgent. Transport construction, like other linear construction projects in the North, has a number of features that shall be taken into account when organizing repair. These features include low temperatures in winter that persist for long periods, poor transport accessibility, construction facilities scattered along the route under construction, remoteness from industrial centers, etc. To form a repair system that would ensure machinery operability and a high technical readiness coefficient, it is necessary to organize a system of repair shops performing current and restoring repairs, and in some cases, overhaul repairs, as well as maintenance facilities. The paper discusses the main directions of solving the problem related to the arrangement of repair facilities near construction sites. Since heavy excavation equipment is used in these conditions, a problem with its delivery for repair arises. In view of this, we present methods to calculate the demand for trailers servicing the repair system.

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