
With the rapid development of our economy, our country market by seller's market to a buyer's market, entered the era of relative surplus of material production. Market structure is undergoing profound changes, the brand competition has become an important means of competition, it is enterprise management plays a more and more important role. However, at present our country brand present situation is not optimistic, overall brand competitiveness is weak. Therefore, the brand competitiveness evaluation not only has theoretical significance, but also has the important practical significance. In this paper, we investigate the problems for evaluating the technological competitiveness of China-owned brand enterprises with 2-tuple linguistic information. We utilize the 2-tuple weighted average (TWA) operator to aggregate the linguistic information corresponding to each alternative and get the overall value of technological competitiveness of China-owned brand enterprises, then rank the alternatives and select the most desirable one (s) by using the overall value. Finally, an illustrative example is given to verify the developed approach and to demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness.

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