
In the exploration tunnels of the Xiageliao landslide, slide failures were found not only inside the slip soil but also on the contact surface between the slip soil and the tuff. The undisturbed slip soil was collected from the exploration tunnel for testing to explore the pattern of slide failure occurrence. The surfaces of concrete blocks of different shapes were used to simulate slip soil–tuff contact surfaces of different roughness. The shear strength of these contact surfaces with different roughness was tested using a large-scale shear test system and analyzed through comparison with the shear strength of the slip soil. The test results showed that the interface roughness significantly affected the shear strength of the slip soil contact interface and determined the shear failure mode of the slip soil. When the roughness is below a certain level, the shear strength of the contact surface is less than the soil shear strength, and when the roughness reaches a certain level, the shear strength of the contact surface exceeds the strength of the slip soil itself. Thus, the strength of the slip soil itself sometimes differs from the strength of the slip surface. Based on the Moore–Cullen law, the test results found a formula for calculating the contact surface shear strength. These results provide some references for the risk evaluation of landslides.

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