
High-liquid limit red clay has poor engineering characteristics, namely poor water stability, low strength, and large expansion and contraction deformation. The clay may be reinforced with an F1 ionic soil stabilizer. The engineering characteristics of this reinforced clay were studied, specifically concerning its basic physical parameters, shear strength parameters, and micropore structure. The F1 ionic soil stabilizer significantly improved the water sensitivity, compaction characteristics, and shear strength of red clay. We determined that the optimal F1 ionic soil stabilizer mix was 0.5 L/m3, resulting in a reinforced clay with plastic limit increased by 45.74%, optimal moisture content increased by 12.12%, maximum dry density increased by 5.8%, liquid limit reduced by 8.4%, plasticity index reduced by 43.8%, infiltration coefficient reduced by 41.8%, cohesion increased 1.64-fold, and internal friction angle increased 1.30-fold. Freeze-thaw cycles reduced the shear strength parameters of the reinforced red clay, although even after 15 cycles, it still had 18.4% higher cohesion and 57.1% higher internal friction angle than undisturbed red clay. The F1 ionic soil stabilizer significantly reduced the pore size and area of red clay, the complex connected pore structure is adjusted to a more regular structure. The reinforced clay had 56.64% lower pore area ratio, 32.27% lower average Feret diameter, and 2.43% lower fractal dimension.

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