
The potential for shrimp in the Peureulak Coast of East Aceh, Aceh is very large, so that it is part of the increase in the National shrimp with a target of 250%. The purpose of this study was to examine intensive, semi-intensive and extensive shrimp production. This research uses case studies, financial analysis through observation and interviews. To find out the level of shrimp production which has a productive shrimp pond area of 5,072.14 hectares (50,721,400 m2), the existing production data per year reaches 1,078,960 kg so that a study is needed for 1 cycle with Operation Profit, Net Profile, Profile Rate, Benefit Cost Ratio , Rentability, Break Event Point (BEP) and Payback Period (PP). The results of the analysis carried out from intensive, semi-intensive and extensive ponds, the level of net returns from investment, is extensive pond analysis because it is seen from a percentage of 0.48%, with a B / C ratio of 3%, but the longest payback period is 4 years of extensive ponds. Meanwhile, intensive ponds are 3.1 years and semi-intensive ponds are 3 years, while the biggest profit is found in intensive ponds of Rp. 223,135,000 and analysis of existing shrimp production of 10% of the total pond area of 5,072.14 hectares (50,721,400 m2), namely intensive ponds 34,236,945 kg, semi intensive 26,628,735 kg and extensive 1,997,916, then the economic potential of the area is sufficient. large and sustainable.

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