
Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic and non-communicable disease characterized by high blood glucose levels and has multiple aetiologies. According to the IDF Atlas recent edition, the Global prevalence of diabetes was 9.3% and currently, India holds second position globally with 77 million adults living with diabetes and in 2030 it was expected to cross 101 million. This high prevalence of diabetes was due to the interaction of multiple factors leading to a significant economic burden to the countries health system. Diabetes over the long term causes micro vascular and macro vascular complications, that were sometimes difficult to manage, necessitating the need for self-care practices to prevent the progression of the disease. Objective: To assess the prevalence of self-care practices among type II diabetes mellitus patients in rural and urban health training canters. Methodology: The study was carried out among Type II diabetes Mellitus patients attending Non-communicable disease (NCD) clinic in Rural and Urban health training center of Sri Ramachandra medical college and research institute, Chennai – 600116. After obtaining the informed consent, socio-demographic details were collected and the information on self-care practices was assessed using the revised Summary of Diabetes self-care Activities (SDSCA) questionnaire.

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