
The air-to-ground missile with strapdown seeker may have the problems, including small field of view(FOV), limited overload, and fall angle constraint. To solve the above mentioned problem, a phased guidance scheme is proposed. In this scheme, the attack trajectory is divided into the following six stages, including glided stage, fall angle constraint stage, target acquisition and adjustment stage, terminal guidance stage and blind zone stage. The glided stage is designed to increase range, the terminal fall angle is attained ahead of time at fall angle constraint stage. The aim of target acquisition and adjustment stage is to adjust the missile attitude, so that the target will fall within the FOV of the seeker. It creates good condition to capture the target for strapdown seeker. In the terminal stage, the guidance law of proportional navigation and attitude track are used to fit the needs of FOV constraint and attack accuracy. The simulation result shows that the project trajectory can solve the application of attacking moving targets for air-to-ground missile with strapdown seeker under multi constraints.


  • [1] 孙希彤, 罗兴柏, 刘秋生, 等. 捷联制导弹药应用及关键技术介绍[ J] . 兵器装备工程学报, 2019, 40(4) : 58⁃61 SUN Xitong, LUO Xinbo, LIU Qiusheng, et al Application and key technologies of guided munition based on strapdown seeker [ J]

  • The aim of target acquisition and adjustment stage is to adjust the missile attitude, so that the tar⁃ get will fall within the FOV of the seeker

  • It creates good condition to capture the target for strapdown seeker

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赵军民1,2, 聂聪2, 常冠男1,2, 吕梅柏1, 李新国1 (1.西北工业大学 航天学院, 陕西 西安 710072; 2.西安现代控制技术研究所, 陕西 西安 710065) 真以验证方案的有效性,仿真条件如下: 初始条件: 空地导弹初始位置(0,10 000) Tm,可用过载为 2g,速度 VM0 = 240 m / s,倾角 θM0 = 0°,导引头截获距 离 Rc = 3 000 m,导引头最小作用距离 Rcmin = 200 m, 导引头视场 ψFOV = ±3°,期望落角 θd = - 79°,目标初 始位置为(10 000,0) Tm,目标速度为 VT = 20 m / s。 测量误差: GPS 测量误差 / m:Δx ~ (0,100) ,Δy ~ (0,152 ) ; 导引头测角误差 / ( °) :ΔqB ~ ( 0,( 0.286 5) 2 ) ;姿态 角测角误差 / ( °) :Δθ ~ (0,0.52) 。 制导律转换条件:hys = 9 000 m,Rtz = 400 m; 制导参数:k1 = 3,k2 = 2,p = 7,q = 5,α = 3,ε = 0.01,N = 3,kθ = 5,kq = 20。 末制导过程中,2 种制导策略切换可能导致落 兵器装备工程学报, 2019, 40(4) : 58⁃61 SUN Xitong, LUO Xinbo, LIU Qiusheng, et al Application and key technologies of guided munition based on strapdown seeker [ J] .

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