
Sea surface temperature (SST) data from S-NPP VIIRS satellite has different spatial resolution with SST data from Himawari-8 satellite. In this study comparative analysis of potential fishing zones information from both satellites has been conducted. The analysis was conducted on three project areas (PA 7, PA 13, PA 19) as a representation Indonesian territorial waters. The data used were daily for both satellites with a period time from August 2016 to December 2016. The method used was Single Image Detection (SIED) to detect thermal fronts. Method of mass center point for determining potential fishing zones coordinate point from result thermal front detection. Furthermore, an analysis of overlapping was done to compare the coordinate point information from both satellites. Based on data analysis that had been done, the result showed that potential fishing zones coordinate points of Himawari-8 satellite was mostly far from potential fishing zones coordinate point of S-NPP VIIRS. The coordinate points whose positionswere close together or nearly same from both satellites was only about 20 %. Differences in potential fishing zones coordinate positions occur due to the effect of different spatial resolutions of both satellite data and the size of the front thermal events that had high variability. The ideal potential fishing zones coordinate points information was probably a combination of the potential fishing zones coordinate points of S-NPP VIIRS and Himawari-8 by making two adjacent coordinate points to be a single coordinate point. Field validation testing was required to prove the accuracy of the coordinate point.

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