
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 基于线粒体COI基因序列的磷虾目分子系统进化 DOI: 作者: 作者单位: 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所, 农业农村部远洋与极地渔业创新重点实验室, 农业农村部东海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室, 上海 200090 作者简介: 谌微(1989-),助理研究员,研究方向为水产动物遗传育种.E-mail:328160296@qq.com 通讯作者: 中图分类号: S931 基金项目: 科技部科技基础性工作专项(2013FY110700);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费(2014A11);国家科技支撑计划课题(2013BAD13B03);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41406190). Study on phylogenetic relationships of Euphausiacea based on mitochondrial COI gene sequences Author: Affiliation: Key and Open Laboratory of Marine and Estuarine Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs;East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:为探讨磷虾目物种的系统进化关系,以磷虾目的50种磷虾为研究对象,分析其线粒体COI基因序列的分子变异,构建系统发育树,初步探讨了磷虾种属间亲缘关系。所分析COI基因可比序列长度为519 bp,共包含258个变异位点,全部为碱基替换,无插入/缺失位点。四种碱基含量分别为A 27.58%、T 35.47%、G 18.88%、C 18.07%,碱基A+T含量(63.05%)显著高于G+C含量(36.95%),表现出明显的T偏倚特点。50种磷虾的种间遗传距离为0.065~0.306,其平均值为0.186;而种内遗传距离为0~0.071,其平均值为0.017,平均种间距离约为种内距离的11倍。根据物种鉴定最小种间遗传距离0.020的观点,COI基因序列间的差异能够很好地区分各磷虾种。基于COI基因分别构建了4种系统进化树:邻接树(neighbor-joining,NJ)、极大似然树(maximum likelihood,ML)、最大简约树(maximum parsimony,MP)及UPGMA(unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means)树。它们拓扑结构基本一致,均可分为三大支系:假磷虾属处于系统树的基部,是磷虾目中最早分化出来的一支;而包含磷虾种类最多的磷虾属则最后分化出来,表明其为磷虾类中相对较新的一个属。本研究较全面地阐述了磷虾目的系统进化关系,结果表明磷虾目的线粒体COI序列变异可以用来研究磷虾属、种的分类单元及其系统进化问题,具有较好的理论和应用价值。 Abstract:In order to study the phylogenetic relationship of Euphausiacea, 50 Euphausiacea species were selected and used for the construction of a phylogenetic tree. The mitochondrial COI gene was amplified using PCR techniques. The results showed that a 519 bp COI gene fragment was obtained and sequenced, with 258 mutation sites, all of which were base substitutions, and no insertion/deletion sites. The contents of A, T, G, and C were 27.58%, 35.47%, 18.88%, and 18.07% respectively. Additionally, the content of A+T (63.05%) was significantly higher than that of G+C (36.95%). The genetic distance within species ranged from 0 to 0.071 and the average value was 0.017. The genetic distance among species ranged from 0.065 to 0.306, and the average value was 0.186, which was about 11 times that of the former. With regards to the minimum interspecific genetic distance of 0.020, the difference between the COI gene sequences could distinguish the Euphausiacea species efficiently. Four phylogenetic trees were constructed:neighbor-joining tree (NJ), maximum likelihood tree (ML), maximum parsimony tree (MP), and UPGMA tree. Their topological structures were basically the same, i.e. they can be divided into three branches. Pseudeuphausia was on the bottom of the phylogenetic tree, which was one of the earlier species of Euphausiacea. The Euphausia, which contained the most species, finally was branched out, indicating that it was a relatively newer genus of Euphausiacea. The phylogenetic relationships among 11 Euphausiacea genera have been comprehensively discussed in this paper. The results showed that the phylogenetic tree constructed based on the mitochondrial COI gene could be used to study the phylogenetic relationships between the Euphausiacea species and was of notable theoretical and practical value. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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