
In recent times, energy has been the hottest globally discussed subject. On the other hand, environment is the most resilient victim of the energy debate. Consequently, energy and environment are the world’s most unlikely allies. Energy extraction, distribution or consumption constitutes a major cause of environmental pollution. The environmental pollutants from energy related activities are greenhouse gases. Although, cement manufacturing, construction or transportation activities do contribute to environmental pollution, the greenhouse gas emission from energy activities is two-fold: the emission from exploration and that from consumption. The combustion of energy fuels generate nitrogen oxidesa group of highly reactive and acidifying gases unlike suspended particles produced from cement manufacturing. In a photochemical process, nitrogen oxides are oxidized to nitric acid and it contributes to acid rain formation. Also, there is a consensus that fossil fuel based energy production and use are the main sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions as shown in figure 1. These substances have many consequences for the health of human being, plants and estate property [1, 2]. The foregoing facts present energy production and utilization as high risk factors to the environment despite their huge benefits to the society.

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