
Yogyakarta is considered a very liveable area. However, there are still underlying problems, including low wages and poverty. The goal of the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) is to empower, because it does not only focus on providing assistance, but also on changing the community’s mindset. This study aimed to carry out a needs analysis, to understand the multiliteracy skills of beneficiary families. As mentioned above, the help provided by this program is not only in the form of bestowals, but also through efforts to increase empowerment. Data were collected through a qualitative online survey, observations and interviews. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the Family Development Session served as a form of non-formal education for families. The findings on the literacy of beneficiary families showed that there was insufficient understanding of child care and learning assistance, financial management and entrepreneurial motivation. Participants had difficulty understanding the material presented.
 Keywords: empowerment, family, needs analysis, multiliteracy, Program Keluarga Harapan

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