
The main problem of the mechanics of contact interaction in roll modules is to determine the stress-strain state in the technological zone. The article presents mathematical models of the laws of distribution of contact stresses and analytical dependencies of their main indices, which make it possible to calculate the power parameters of roll modules of technological machines. When developing mathematical models, empirical formulas for the laws of distribution of normal stresses along roll contact curves and a friction stress model were used, considering the effect of external forces, roll drive, and compliance of the roll coating on the distribution of shear stresses. It is shown that normal stresses in the compression zone increase from zero to the maximum value by the harmonic law, and in the recovery zone, they decrease from the maximum value to zero by the parabolic law. It was revealed that in the driven roll, the neutral point is located on the left side of the point of maximum normal stress, and the points that determine the maximum normal stress and compression of the interacting bodies coincide and are shifted from the line of centers towards the supply of the processed material into the contact zone.

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