
Background:Cardiac arrest is the most common cause of death worldwide, and early intervention withhigh quality BLS improves a victims chances of survival. A patient in cardiac arrest is treated by early CPR and early defibrillation and administration of Emergency Drugs. Therefore, Every Health Care Professional student should be Knowledgeable about cardiac arrest and its management to save the precious life of patient. Objective:To assess the Knowledge of Cardiac Arrest and its management among Health Care Professional Students andto educate and create awareness and Knowledge about Cardiac arrest and its management among Heath Care Professional Students Methodology:A cross sectional study conducted in Chennai and Kanchipuram, from July 9th 2022 to September 9th 2022.Permission was obtained from IEC a well-organized questionnaire was executed with 23 items using the Google Forms. Pre- structured questions were pre-validated by Experts. Google form contains the details such as socio-demographic, knowledge and its management-based questions. The Completed data was collected, entered in excel sheet and the results was analyzed with the proper statistical method. Results:According to the statistical analysis of data received, it results, only 4% (21 participants) of health care professional students have good knowledge about cardiac arrest and its management, only 36% (188 participants) of health care professional students have adequate knowledge about cardiac arrest and its management and 60% (316 participants) of health care professional students have inadequate knowledge about cardiac arrest and its management. Conclusion: This study highly suggests thattraining programs, simulation-based trainings, seminars and Lecture, etc.… need to be organized to the health care professional students to make them gainknowledge about cardiac arrest and its management to save the precious lives.

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