
Nowadays, traditional internal combustion engine vehicles use fossil fuels, emitting exhaust gases and pollutants, making a negative impact on air quality and the environment. The intensification of global climate change also makes it particularly important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In order to meet the coexistence of the environment and human development, electric vehicles(EV), as a zero-emission transportation mode, can reduce air pollution and carbon emissions, and improve urban air quality. The number of EVs in the world has increased significantly, and the technology of EVs is constantly innovating. In this article, the brake system is extracted separately from the four parts of the traditional EV and treated as the fifth part to work together with the other four parts.This article analyzes the optimization of motor machinery, power recovery and release, and the driver operation and operation safety. In addition, this article also discusses how to effectively alleviate the problems of insufficient power and short battery life of EVs. This article may offer a reference for the development of EVs.

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