
Safety of secondary lining is of utmost importance to tunnel engineering quality as the main load-bearing structure and the last waterproof line of rock tunnel under type III. The comparative study of strain state results from FEM numerical simulation and on-site monitoring in Yunnan Tianxin Tunnel was conducted to obtain the stress regularity of tunnel lining. The results showed that except vault, the strain states of secondary lining obtained by numerical simulation and on-site monitoring were consistent. The strain value of on-site monitoring was approximately 60%~70% to the simulation value. And the strain value of right side was greater than the value of the corresponding location on the left side. It’s noticed that high strain were found in tunnel haunch and arch springing. Great attention should be paid to arch springing for the largest strain value. The strain monitoring value of vault (309.83με~327.23με) has been detected larger than simulation value (209.37με), which matches well the crack phenomenon of vault. Therefore it’s significant to focus on the long-term monitoring of vault. The defects of single on-site monitoring method such as poor predictability were made up effectively by comparative study. The results achieved can be recommended for similar projects.

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