
Abstract The study on the spray morphology of effervescent atomization based on the internal gas–liquid flow patterns were conducted by the combination of experiment and numerical simulation methods. Both time-average and fluctuation characteristics of the spray morphology under various internal flow patterns were given out. The analysis on the corresponding relationship between internal flow and spray morphology was further present out. Results showed that the internal flow pattern has little influence on the time-average characteristic of the spray morphology, but takes great effect on the fluctuation characteristics of spray morphology. In churn flow, the spray half cone angle varies in a narrow range. In bubbly flow, the instantaneous spray cone angle pulsates in a wide range. In slug flow, the spray morphological pulsating phenomenon is of polarization, the spray half cone angle distributes mainly in the low or high value ranges decided by whether gas’s contributing to the jet breakup. The instantaneous gas–liquid phase distribution in the exit orifice region and the variation law of gas void fraction at the nozzle exit is the direct cause of the spray morphology.

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