
Background: No wonder who you are and what you are, make your soul strong enough to fight againstStress, move ahead with joy, and let us make stress to be alone. Nursing Care for an individual no matterwhether an individual is health or unhealthy, no matter from which age group S/He belongs to, howeverstress perception is highly subjective1. Work related stress amongst nursing fraternity can be generated bycopious reasons. These reasons are dangerous for nurses especially during the current scenario of “COVID19 Pandemic”,this stress has been concern throughout the globe.2Objectives: Researchers have set the objectives of computing the effectiveness of staff welfare programregarding Occupational stress during “COVID 19 Pandemic” among nurses.Methodology: Researchers have used quasi experimental research design. 60 Nursing staff from a ICU of areputed hospital of Pune city were recruited with Consecutive non probability technique. Expanded nursingstress scale (ENSS) has used to measure nurses occupational stress during “COVID 19 Pandemic”. This toolis in the form of 5 point likert scale.Results: Researchers have identified that pre-test and post-test’s mean difference is 61.1in experimentalgroup, where as in control group mean difference is 2.3.Conclusion: It reciprocates that experimental group pre test post test mean difference has vast differencethan control group, thus staff welfare program is effective in order to reduce the occupational stressduring“COVID 19 Pandemic” among nursing fraternity .

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